Desktop computers and laptops have provided us with more work flexibility but they have been attributed to the rise of neck, shoulder and back problems as well. Many advantages of the laptop are also the reasons why it is troublesome for us to maintain a correct sitting or standing posture.

Some of the most common poor posture habits include slouching in your chair, hunching over the laptop, poking your chin and cradling your phone.

To mitigate the muscle tension caused by these posture habits, you can do a few strength and stretching exercises and consider implementing a few of our tips below. For instance, if you are currently suffering from back pain, merely improving your posture would probably not address the cause of your discomfort but it may relieve your muscle tension.

If your body is accustomed to improper posture, correcting it may seem uncomfortable at first because you have become used to that particular way of sitting or standing. With regular practice, proper posture will eventually become an acquired behaviour that will benefit you in the long run.

What top tips can aid good posture?

Slumping over while working at home does not always give you pain but if you are constantly keeping that position, it can put a strain on your soft tissues or muscles and eventually start to cause back pain or discomfort.

Make it a habit to sit correctly in your chair with the best ergonomic set up possible in place. As we have mentioned earlier, you may not feel comfortable at first but with regular exercise, your muscles will be conditioned to take the correct position.

Do exercises that will strengthen your back muscles, buttock muscles and core. Planking and back extensions can help to address your slumping posture issue.

A hunched back is a usual sight we see from people using computers. This position tends to put your head forward. Keeping this poor posture long-term can cause muscle stiffness on your shoulders and upper back. It can also lead to having a rounded upper back. This position can also happen when you are using a mobile phone and may lead you to develop a ‘text neck’.

To address this poor posture, exercises for the neck, chest, shoulders and back are recommended. Doing seated cable rows in the gym, pull-ups or even lightly extending your neck and tucking your chin in can help.

When you sit too low, hunch your back, place your computer screen too high or combine all three, you may have a poking chin posture. To correct this posture, you can adjust your seating, gently extend your neck and tuck your chin in, pull your abdominal muscles so you can maintain the natural curve of your spine, or simply move your shoulder blades towards your spine.

When you hold your phone between your shoulder and ear, it can strain the muscles of your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Holding this position frequently may lead to neck muscle imbalance. If possible, use a hands-free device when taking calls or start holding the phone with your hand.

This poor posture can be corrected by doing neck rotations, neck stretches and chest stretches.

Can my workspace help me maintain good posture?

The answer is a resounding yes! To improve your work from home experience, just follow these tips.

Liam Weston

Principle Chiropractor & Regional Lead